Thursday, July 10, 2014

Test Prep: Week 2

So... according to Mom we're in big trouble. We were doing GREAT at keeping up with blog, but then July happened... We haven't made ONE POST YET this month. Oopsy! We're sorry!

Not to make excuses, but I haven't been to school in 2 weeks (yay for holidays!) so I haven't had much to report. Lylee doesn't have an excuse. (Lylee: Shut up, Enzo. I'm very busy.)

On the Fourth of July I accompanied Mom, Uncle Fred, and my grandparents to a family reunion in Pennsylvania. I don't know where that is, but it was a long car ride. I spent most of the time with my head out the window. While I was there I had to practice my sitting and staying. It was tough because there was another dog there (Scout) and she was allow to walk around without a leash! Mind=blown. I wish I could do that, but Mom says whippets tend to run so I have to stay tethered. (She's right, I totally would've run everywhere.)

This week Mom and I had class and we practiced another step for the test!

Step 3: Appearance & Grooming
In this test Professor Leslie comes around and does a gentle once-over. She brushes my back, checks my ears, and looks at my paws. Mom never brushes me (shhhh, don't tell Leslie!) but I did just fine with her brush! I've also started putting my paw on people that pet me, so letting her touch my feet was a breeze! I'd say I'll pass that one with flying colors!

That was the only real test we did, but Leslie tested out nerves by moving around us with crutches (to simulate a hospital) and dropping a metal dog pan (to evaluate how quickly we recover from loud noises). Next week they're bring in the big guns- we have to be friendly/non-reactive to other dogs in close proximity.

- Enzo the Pampered Dog

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