Friday, June 27, 2014

TGIF (Totally Great Internet Finds!)

Hello! I skipped my Good Things article this week to bring you a Friday full of nifty internet links! Get ready, because these are gonna' rock your paws off!

The Open Sea
Monteray Bay Aquarium provides a live feed 24/7 of the sea-life! It's pretty cool to watch. Yesterday Mom and I saw a sea turtle, a sting ray, AND a hammerhead shark!

 Sea Otters!
If you're more into mammals,the aquarium also has a live sea otter cam! I think I'd like to go swimming with them!

Panda Cam Cuteness
Honestly, need I say more?

Sloth Week!
In honor of Sloth Week (who knew that was a thing?), Animal Planet has a Sloth Cam set up!

If that's not enough cuteness, here are some animal parents being adorable.

Have a good weekend!

-Enzo the Animal Lover

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Test Prep: Week 1

Hello, friends! As many of you know, I've been going through obedience school with the aspiration of becoming a certified comfort/therapy dog. Last night Mom and I started Advanced Class, which is the final level and the class where we will go over all the tasks involved in the certification test. Lots of big words there... Essential I have to learn self-control and get comfortable with the test.

Seems like just yesterday I was graduating from "Puppy Education"...
Our end goal is to pass a 10-step test that will earn me my Canine Good Citizenship status! It's a certification from the American Kennel Club (AKC). Click here for a little more information. Once I have certification, I can visit hospitals, schools, nursing homes, libraries, and other public places. While some hospitals and school have their own tests, passing the CGC is the best place to start, because if I can do that, I can do anything!

Each week in class we tackle 2 steps. On week 6 we take a mock-test, and on week 7 I do the real deal! Last night we worked on steps 1 and 2. 

Step 1: Accepting a Friendly Stranger
This task isn't too complicated for semi-friendly dogs, but I LOVE people so this one makes Mom a little nervous. In order to pass, I have to sit next to Mom and remain seated/laying/in place while the evaluator approaches us, shakes Mom's hand, talks for a few seconds, and then walks away. Mom can take the time to get me in a comfortable position and can tell me to "stay", but if I approach the evaluator or jump I will immediately fail. Last night I did great, but Mom says we need to practice A LOT.

Actually, if I jump at ALL during the entire test, I'll fail. Uh oh!

Step 2:Sitting Politely for Petting
This test is a little easier because the evaluator actually pays attention to me! In this test I must start out sitting, and the evaluator approaches Mom and asks if she may pet her dog. Mom says "yes" and the evaluator kneels to my level and pets me. At this point I can stand or lay down, but NO JUMPING! Obviously I can't bark, nip, or act aggressively, either. Psht, no problem!


If you know me personally, Mom has a few requests:
- Please don't reward my jumping with petting or soft voices. Tell me "OFF" or ignore me until I calm down.
- Speak to me with a calm voice... Anything high-pitched and hyper will distract me and I will forget the rules.
- These requests are awful... I shouldn't have agreed to this...

Mom and I are looking for people to practices our tests on! If you're interested in being our faux "stranger", let Mom know!

Thanks for reading! I'll be back next week with more steps and evaluations!

-Enzo the Academic

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Boring but IMPORTANT Ramblings

It stopped storming so Mom said I could get on the computer. (Enzo was grounded yesterday so he missed his Good Things post... sorry, everyone.) I am NOT here to discuss good things- I'm actually going to talk about the opposite.

Ok, that's a little dramatic, but I am going to focus on an important topic that many people don't know about. In light of the Ice & Dogs Article going around (which is not 100% true- please do your research), Mom and I have decided to explain a few other strange dog behaviors and reactions.

Ok, so far I sound really boring, but.... yeah, ok, this is kind of boring. Stick with us, though, because it's really important for pet owners to read and know!

Odd Pet Behavior (that should raise some red flags!):

1. Head Against the Wall

This is an strange behavior in dogs and cats. Mom first saw this in an article titled "Dogs That Forget How to Dog. While it's slightly humorous, it's a sign of serious danger.

This behavior is a symptom of damage to the nervous system, which can include prosencephalon disease (I have no idea how to pronounce this) or a form of toxic poisoning. Other behaviors to watch out for include pacing, seizures, vision issues, and changes in training-behaviors. Causes include sodium imbalance, head trauma, rabies, tumors, or other nervous system damage. It's important to react because the pacing and head-leaning can cause lesions. Read more about it here!

2. Scooting/Licking THAT Area...

Hehe... "Scooting".... get it?
This may or may not be something that I suffer from...... We're going to stick with the most common causes (and if none of these are troubling your pooch, it's time to seek professional advice). The biggest cause of the dreaded scoot is anal sac issues. (Aren't you glad you opened this article??) This is an easy- but totally gross- fix. The veterinarian squeezes and drains the anal gland, relieving pressure and fluid. This happens in cats, too. (It probably happens more to cats because they're stupid.) On time Mom took me to get my anal glands squeezed and they put me on the table and when the vet went back there I peed on him! It was awesome! (Mom: LYLEE!) I mean... it was an evil thing to do and I feel badly for it... (not).

Other causes include fecal contamination (a.k.a. poop is stuck to our rear...) and/or worms. Trust us, we don't streak your carpet because it feels good (even though it does)!

3. Compulsively Spinning/Licking/Tail-Chasing/Etc.

Ok, not all tail-chasing/lick/etc. is danger. You should be concerned if this behavior is compulsive. This behavior may stem from an injury where dog licked themselves (and now keep licking that spot). These behaviors are also symptoms of anxiety due to confinement, limited interaction, and abuse. Sometimes these weird behaviors develop for no reason at all... Treating this is tricky because it can be a behavioral issue or chemical imbalance. First rule out any medical issues, then move on to removing the trigger, training the dog, and distraction methods. Learn more about it here!

More information!
As summer arrives, here are some treats to keep AWAY from your pets!
Chicken bones
Corn cobs
LARGE amounts of ice cream (Mom gets us ice cream sometimes...)
Hostas (yes, the plant)

And here's a list of yummy GOOD (FROZEN) treats:
Apples (NO SEEDS)
Peanut Butter
Low-sodium chicken or beef broth
Blueberries ("Beagles love blueberries.")

There you have it, folks. We skipped Good Things this week but we've replaced it with informative medical advice and "Do&Don't"s of summer food! Next week we'll return you to your normal, annoying, positive puppy.

- Doctor Lylee the Dietitian

Friday, June 13, 2014

Good Things

Holy cow! Lylee and I really dropped the ball this week and that is NOT a good thing... Sorry readers! I've been working diligently on digging a hole under the house and Wednesday just got away from me. Whoops! Lylee's been cooking something up for an informative post, so she's been deep in research. We're sorry!!

So, without further ado, here is my list of GOOD THINGS for the week!

1. The World Cup!
Ok, so this video isn't technically the games in Brazil, BUT I'm pretty impressed. I could probably do this... unless a rabbit or bird or child walked by... then I might get kinda' distracted.

2. It's Friday the 13th... and a full moon!
Ok, some people may not see this as a good thing (particularly those who suffer from selenophobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia), but this is actually a pretty cool phenomenon that won't happen again until 2049! Read up on the superstitions that surround these events here!

3. Poor Penguins...

4. A Mighty Girl
This is a site for parents (and girls) that recommends good books, television shows, and other forms of entertainment and media that give girls positive self-images and confidence. It has history-based articles, advice on having and maintaining a positive body image, and music recommendations for young girls. Pretty cool, eh? Now we need a site like this for boys!

5. My Father
As most of you know, I was adopted. Though I tend resemble my dad slightly, I can see how we differ in fur-coverage and nose length. Despite not being my birth-father, my dad is AWESOME! Here's to all the awesome dads out there! Happy Father's Day!

And that concludes the official list for this week! Time to go find a gift for Dad. I think a freshly dug-up root will do nicely!

-Enzo the Unprofessional Gardener

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Good Things

Oh yeaaaaaah!

It's my favorite day, dog lovers! It's time for a list of good things on this fine Wednesday! Mom says I should make my "Good Things" posts a little more structured. (I hate structure, but Mom's the boss.) Here's what my list will enTAIL (hehe) in the future...

1. Video (I've been pretty consistent with this because I loooooove videos)
2. Whatever I want!
3. A funny picture/cartoon/etc.
4. A website that I (or Lylee or Mom or Dad) looooooove.
5. Whatever I want again!

I guess I can live with some structure... Alright! Here we goooooo:

1. These Babies

Umm... How does this not make you laugh? Hehehe!

2. Today is National Hug Your Cat Day!
I wish I had a cat to hug... The funny thing about this "holiday" is that it's also Mom's best friend Erica's birthday. Erica is a professional cat collector and hugger! Hug away, Ms. Erica! Today is definitely your day!
(Lylee: I wish there was a "National Eat Your Cat" Day....)

3. Comic of the Day!

Mom and I don't got to the actual website very often, but we like to read the posts Humans of New York makes on Facebook through out the day! The photographer (Brandon) meets all kinds of interesting people all over New York. Mom loves the lessons people share and the stories they tell!

5. Patriotic Plane
Before a flight from Detroit to Paris, 12 WWII veterans were serenaded with the Nation Anthem at a boarding gate. One veteran was on his way to Omaha for the 70th Anniversary of D-Day. He received a standing ovation! Sometimes humans can be pretty heartwarming. Here's a link to the article and video: Veterans' Story.

There ya have it. Hope your day is a little brighter!

- Enzo the Wednesday-Fanatic