Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Test Prep: Week 1

Hello, friends! As many of you know, I've been going through obedience school with the aspiration of becoming a certified comfort/therapy dog. Last night Mom and I started Advanced Class, which is the final level and the class where we will go over all the tasks involved in the certification test. Lots of big words there... Essential I have to learn self-control and get comfortable with the test.

Seems like just yesterday I was graduating from "Puppy Education"...
Our end goal is to pass a 10-step test that will earn me my Canine Good Citizenship status! It's a certification from the American Kennel Club (AKC). Click here for a little more information. Once I have certification, I can visit hospitals, schools, nursing homes, libraries, and other public places. While some hospitals and school have their own tests, passing the CGC is the best place to start, because if I can do that, I can do anything!

Each week in class we tackle 2 steps. On week 6 we take a mock-test, and on week 7 I do the real deal! Last night we worked on steps 1 and 2. 

Step 1: Accepting a Friendly Stranger
This task isn't too complicated for semi-friendly dogs, but I LOVE people so this one makes Mom a little nervous. In order to pass, I have to sit next to Mom and remain seated/laying/in place while the evaluator approaches us, shakes Mom's hand, talks for a few seconds, and then walks away. Mom can take the time to get me in a comfortable position and can tell me to "stay", but if I approach the evaluator or jump I will immediately fail. Last night I did great, but Mom says we need to practice A LOT.

Actually, if I jump at ALL during the entire test, I'll fail. Uh oh!

Step 2:Sitting Politely for Petting
This test is a little easier because the evaluator actually pays attention to me! In this test I must start out sitting, and the evaluator approaches Mom and asks if she may pet her dog. Mom says "yes" and the evaluator kneels to my level and pets me. At this point I can stand or lay down, but NO JUMPING! Obviously I can't bark, nip, or act aggressively, either. Psht, no problem!


If you know me personally, Mom has a few requests:
- Please don't reward my jumping with petting or soft voices. Tell me "OFF" or ignore me until I calm down.
- Speak to me with a calm voice... Anything high-pitched and hyper will distract me and I will forget the rules.
- These requests are awful... I shouldn't have agreed to this...

Mom and I are looking for people to practices our tests on! If you're interested in being our faux "stranger", let Mom know!

Thanks for reading! I'll be back next week with more steps and evaluations!

-Enzo the Academic

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